About us: our vision
“A DSI friendly country where early identification and support makes a real difference to the mental health and wellbeing of older people in our ever growing, longer living society.”
Where early identification enables lower cost interventions keeping people at home longer.
Where future generations are self-aware and able to support their elderly family members to enjoy activities they used to – even as their sight and hearing deteriorates with age and as families live together for longer.
This Hi-VisUK way will be a real alternative to the current experience of rising and often unaffordable costs – to the individual and their families and to health and social care support services.
Our vision will see less pressure on hospital beds as more staff are trained, then older people with DSI can be more quickly and safely discharged.
Safer because trained family members or care providers will have prepared their home with appropriate adjustments, some at lower-cost, and use of smart-tech and low-tech devices.
We will see less pressure on adult social services because they are able to work with the families knowing they both understand DSI and how it affects that individual elderly person.
And if the time comes when an elderly DSI person needs to go into care, their families can better negotiate and help support their stay in the care home or setting as long as needed.
Because everyone will know what good DSI care and health care should look like.