About Us:
Our Vision

360 Million

People worldwide have disabling hearing loss.

32 Million

Children have disabling hearing loss.

11 Million

People in the UK live with some form of hearing loss.

2 Million

People in the UK live with sight loss.

6-8 Million?

Potential number of people in UK living with acquired dual sensory impairment.

The future is bright.

If we all work together to identify all those older people who are struggling with DSI, if we can get them on the radar, then it won’t take much and it won’t cost the earth to make their lives brighter. Support us, work with us, make that difference real.

Why we are here

We have developed this small, flexible and highly skilled, experienced team to tackle the challenges of our growing older population living with the impacts of DSI. To work with others who look after, care for or provide services to older people with DSI to help build their expertise and capacity firstly identify more older people with DSI and secondly to improve the care support and guidance offers to older people with DS and their families.

We work with highly experienced social policy/transitional health researchers and key stakeholders to make sure our learning and experience guides us.

We are uncovering an increasingly alarming situation facing older people with DSI that local authorities are just beginning to recognise, still largely hidden from view, caused by a significant lack of understanding and under-identification of DSI. This is contributing significantly and unnecessarily to the crisis in care for older people.

Older people with DSI could be discharged earlier and safely, can be supported in their own homes or have a better quality of life in care and better experience with health services – but only if trained carers/practitioners/families and low cost interventions including equipment are available. This is why we are here.

Evaluation Findings: our training really works!

“…almost 40% of respondents reported finding the training useful in their personal lives with family, friends or neighbours who are deafblind. This indicates added value to the training increasing the numbers of deafblind people being supported either informally or formally in a work setting.”

“Much of this equipment (to support an older deafblind person) is small scale, inexpensive and practical yet deafblind people appear to have little awareness of the availability of such equipment. The training has raised awareness of carers, support staff and others, with the result that deafblind people are beginning to benefit from the use of such equipment. This finding is now being confirmed by deafblind people.”

“…there are early indications that the knowledge/experience and changing practices (as a result of the training) not only improve services and support but could ultimately create cost savings/save money…respondents reported that their organisation had been able to save money as a result of the knowledge gained in the training.”

“A large majority of respondents who have completed one or more of the training courses report positively as to the design, quality and content of the training. Respondents also report that the training has improved not only their knowledge and understanding but also their confidence in working with and supporting deafblind people. This increase in confidence appears to be pivotal in how they do this.”

Findings show that the IGH Deafblind Support Project has created a significant social value of £5.30 for every point invested in the project. This is based on a robust evaluation process using qualitative and quantitative techniques to ensure that any assumptions and estimates used are realistic and based on information provided by the key stakeholders.