Joe was born in 1940 and joined the Army when I was 18. Whilst serving he was injured by a Grenade which left him with some hearing loss.
I was in my early 20’s at the time, but I managed and it didn’t really bother me until I got older.
After retirement, Joe liked to spend time at the Crown Green Bowling Club.
I was finding it more and more difficult to have conversations with my friends. I would nod or say yes/no, hoping that I was making the right responses and not looking too ridiculous.
Then I found that I was having problems with my aim, I couldn’t quite make out the position of the Jack or where my Bowl was going. I didn’t know what was causing it, but I started to feel upset and angry. I withdrew more and more and in the end stopped going to the club.
Joe found it difficult at home too, he could not hear the TV properly
those subtitles are rubbish, you can’t read them, they are usually blurred and go too quickly for me to try to read.
I ask my wife, but she gets angry with me because she is missing what’s being said too, trying to explain to me. We usually end up arguing and I go to bed out of the way.
After Joe’s daughter contacted Hi-Vis UK for advice, a visit from a social worker trained in DSI was arranged.
The lady, I think her name was Susan talked to me and understood what my difficulties were. She didn’t make fun of me and knew why I was so angry. I was given some items which help we around my home. At least now I can make a drink and warm meals up in the microwave. She gave me something for the TV too, so I can now listen and get most of what is happening on programmed. It’s not perfect, but much better.
Knowing where to go for help makes all the difference. Let us help you too.