Identifying objects around the house

Shampoo and conditioner bottles

Some of the best ideas or life hacks, when adapting to dual sensory impairment and managing daily living activities, are home-grown life-hacks. There are hundreds! They are easy to do, cheap and reusable. And they work!  

This one is a classic that is often taught by a rehabilitation officer when someone is newly diagnosed with either sight-loss or dual sensory impairment:  

Food Cans can be marked to remind you what they contain with either elastic bands wrapped around one of them, or hair bobbles of various colours and styles. Attaching a large print label/parcel tag can be helpful when attached to tins that need to be identified, as in the photograph here. 

Similarly, shampoos and conditioners or hairspray and air fresheners can get confused with each other and should be marked similarly.