Level 3
Training Courses

This qualification fully meets the requirements of Section 6.94 of the Care Act 2014 in respect of an assessor trained to be a ‘Suitable Person” to carry out a specialist deafblind assessment
  • Understand how deafblindness impacts on personal outcomes and wellbeing
  • Understand specialist communication skills or know how/when to bring in language expertise
  • Develop relevant and current knowledge of the impacts of deafblindness, including:
    • Communication Skills
    • One to one human contact
    • Social interaction and emotional wellbeing
    • Support with mobility
    • Assistive and adaptive technology
    • Deafblind rehabilitation
  • Using ‘toolkits’ provided to prepare for and carry out a Care Act 2014 compliant specialist deafblind assessment
Student led eLearning Yes
Tutor led classroom based Yes
Tutor led online Yes
Blended Learning incorporating all or some

of the above



Anyone whose job role means they could be called upon to carry out or manage a Care Act 2014 specialist deafblind assessment


This qualification fully meets the requirements of The Care and Support for Deafblind Children Policy Guidance 2014, the Children’s Act 1989, The Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 and the Children’s and Families Act 2014, including the statutory SEND Code of Practice in respect of a person trained to be a ‘Lead Professional’ to oversee and manage the specialist deafblind assessment of a child or young person
  • Understand how deafblindness impacts on personal outcomes and wellbeing
  • Understand specialist communication skills or know how/when to bring in language expertise
  • Develop relevant and current knowledge of the impacts of deafblindness, including:
    • Communication Skills
    • One to one human contact
    • Social interaction and emotional wellbeing
    • Support with mobility
    • Assistive and adaptive technology
    • Deafblind rehabilitation
  • How to identify that a child may be deafblind
  • How to create a specialist assessment team
  • Using ‘toolkits’ provided to prepare for, control and facilitate a statutory compliant children’s specialist deafblind assessment
Tutor led classroom based Yes
Tutor led online Yes



Anyone whose job role means they could be called upon to identify and lead the assessment of children and young people who may be deafblind


Content to come

Content to come

What our learners say about us

the training was very insightful and informative, with lots of practical tips to take into practice

The course increased my awareness and understanding to challenges faced by those with a dual sensory impairment

The content was great.  It was clear that you are absolutely the experts in this area and I enjoyed hearing the direct experience of your colleagues

Everything from the course I can take with me and use in my everyday practice

Interested in our training?

If you would like to book any training or discuss your training needs please email Jane at Jane@hi-vis.org