Are you a professional working with someone over 70? You need to read this!
About Our Guides
Our Hi-VisUK information and guidance series is designed to help those supporting or caring for an older person with Dual Sensory Impairment (DSI) during this COVID-19 emergency, social distancing and socially isolating.
Undetected DSI
It is possible that the older person you care for has undetected DSI. Our guides and our online learning help you to spot those signs quickly and communicate safely whilst ensuring their DSI is on their AIS record.
Who are they for?
The guides are for the family, friends, neighbours, carers and care organisations, professionals, social care and health care providers of the person with DSI.
What do they include?
Each individual guide aims to help you quickly understand the impacts of DSI and the extra challenges brought about by the COVID-19 emergency of keeping them and you safe and still having effective communication.
Our guides cover a range of everyday situations and related challenges facing a DSI person and those who need to see them during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Included in our free guides you will also find a wide range of practical solutions and information on aids and equipment relating to daily living activities that can support independent daily living.
Is English your second language?
Each guide is available as a webpage and a downloadable PDF. Using the webpage version means you can use the translate button (at the top centre of each webpage) to choose the language you prefer.
British Sign Language (BSL) users can access the BSL video version (there are 8 videos for Guide 3) further down this webpage or click on this link: