Working for a Local Authority Adult Services department Jamila thought she understood what issues could impact on older people. Nothing prepared her for the problems that arose when her Mum was diagnosed with dementia.
“At first it was just forgetfulness, but as time went on the situation became really difficult. In addition my Mum developed age related hearing and sight loss.
Combined with dementia, my Mother became increasingly distressed.
Mum found moving about difficult, her mobility was poor due in the main to her not being able to distinguish between rooms. She would get to a door from room to room and just stop.
Jamila’s story is sadly very common but thanks to the support of the National Lottery Community Fund we are able to provide FREE, practical online learning to help you understand and safely support and communicate with someone with Dual Sensory Impairment.
Learn how to: spot the signs of DSI and understand the impact this has on your elderly relative.
Like Jamila, learn practical steps to improve communication, to make information more accessible and find out where to go for local help and advice.
Change the ‘Life Story’.